Correspondence from Karl Germer to Jane Wolfe




Exchange House,

Old Change

London. E.C.4.



February 20, 1934



Dear Jane,


I did not get a chance to reply to your letter before. I was sick for about 6 weeks, have been down with pneumonia, but thank God, am better now.


Your letter, in its beginning, was quite a puzzle to me, as a matter of fact, to A.C. too. What the hell do you mean by that signature, the two dots and all that? I have not sent any other signature than just my letter to you. Well, I suppose, it's not so important, so let's drop it.


There is nothing new here. 666's lawsuits have a hearing on the GW [Great Work] and their outcome may therefore be of importance. But the delays in the English law courts are almost as bad as in Germany, and possibly, everywhere.


What is the situation over there? The only people I know personally of your circle, is yourself, Max [Max Schneider], Leota [Leota Schneider]. I wonder what the other members are like, and whether there is really good material among them.


The business has been handicapped in its development by my and my partner's disease. So we stand to-day where we should have stood on Jan. 1. We keep being optimistic.


I hope you are all right and that your practice of which you wrote, will be profitable spiritually. Beware of lust of result when undertaking it! And thousand other things. The proper conditions seem to be so subtly difficult.


Yours fraternally,




