High Court of Justice, King's Bench Division to Aleister Crowley





In the High Court of Justice.

King's Bench Division


1934.—B.—No. 1401


Between Charles Alfred Birkett, Plaintiff and Aleister Crowley, Defendant


George the Fifth, by the Grace of God, of Great Britain, Ireland and the British Dominions beyond the Seas, King, Defender of the Faith, TO Aleister Crowley of 20 Leinster Gardens, in the County of London. WE COMMAND YOU, that within eight days after the service of this writ on you, inclusive of the day of such service, you do cause an appearance to be entered for you in an Action at the suit of Charles Alfred Birkett. And take notice, that in default of your doing so, the Plaintiff may proceed therein, and Judgment may be given in your absence.


Witness, John Viscount Sankey, Lord High Chancellor of Great Britain, the twelfth day of April, in the Year of Our Lord One thousand nine hundred and thirty-four.


The Plaintiffs Claim is £41.19.7. for rent of a Service Flat at Albermale Court, Albermale Street, London. W.1. and services therein and goods supplied.





Balance for week ending

30th Aug. 1932.


Week ending

6th Sept. 1932. £9.11.4.

Week ending

13th Sep. 1932. £9. 7. 9.

Week ending

20th Sep. 1932. £9.11.8.
Week ending 26th Sep. 1932. £8.16.10.





(Signed) E.K. Mellor Jr.


and the sum of £4.15.6. (or such sum as may be allowed on taxation), for Costs; and also, in case the Plaintiff obtain an order for substituted service, the further sum of £2.2.0. (or such sum as may be allowed on taxation). If the amount claimed be paid to the Plaintiff, or his Solicitor or Agent, within four days from the service thereof, further proceedings will be stayed.


This Writ was issued by E.R. Mellor & Co. and whose address for Service is 8, Great Winchester Street, E.C.2., Solicitor for the said Plaintiff, who reside at 29 Queens Road, Peckham. S.E.15.


