Correspondence from Constable & Co., Ltd. [Publishers of Laughing Torso]


Joseph Bannister



[Correspondence concerning Constable & Co.'s preparation for the appeal to the libel suit brought by

Aleister Crowley against Nina Hamnett and the publication of her book Laughing Torso.]




May 3rd 1934



Dear Sir,


We are sorry you should have had the bother of writing to ask for the return of the SUNDAY EXPRESS article referring to Aleister Crowley. We had not forgotten that the paper was to go back to you but, as you may have seen from the papers, Mr. Crowley is appealing against the verdict, and it seemed unwise for us to distribute the material collected until the whole thing was finally disposed of.


May we ask your indulgence for a little while longer? As soon as ever the thing is settled, you may be sure that we shall get the article back from our lawyers and return it to its rightful owner.


Yours faithfully,




Josep Bannister Esq.,

11 Solent Road




