Correspondence from Charles Harper [Waterhouse & Co., Solicitors for Constable & Co.]


Michael Sadleir [Constable & Co., Publishers of Laughing Torso]



[Correspondence concerning Constable & Co.'s preparation for the appeal to the libel suit brought by

Aleister Crowley against Nina Hamnett and the publication of her book Laughing Torso.]




Waterhouse & Co.


10 & 12 Bishopsgate,

London, E.C.2.



17th May 1934




Dear Sadleir,


Hilbery and Lilley have now written an opinion and I enclose a copy of it.


I have written to Crowley's solicitors as they suggest but I do not anticipate any satisfaction in that quarter/ Meanwhile I am carrying in the costs for taxation.


Betty May has now been to a solicitor, Mr. Iwi, who tells me that he is proposing to place the matter of the missing letters in the hands of the police, probably the best thing that can be done in the circumstances.


Yours sincerely,


Charles S.J. Harper



Michael Sadleir, Esq.,

10 & 12, Orange Street,

Leicester Square,



