Correspondence from Dennis Wheatley to Aleister Crowley
Dennis Wheatley, 48, Queen's Gate, S.W.7 Western 0420
June 7th. 1934.
Aleister Crowley Esq.,
My Dear Crowley,
I must apologize for not having written to you before this, but for the last ten days I have been up to my eyes getting certain material, which was urgently required, off to America. I did however manage to have a talk with Hutchinsons the other day about your Memoirs, and although I gather that a certain person connected with one of the subsidiary firms was anxious and keen to undertake their publication in the form suggested, his proposals were vetoed by a higher authority in such a definite manner that I fear there is no hope in that direction.
I am most awfully sorry to have to tell you this, and it was perhaps a pity that all the material was shot in and the matter raised before I had had an opportunity to bring the question up privately, since the decision having been already made my own goodwill is certainly far too slender to get it rescinded.
There must however, be publishers in London who would be willing to undertake what is obviously such a sound commercial proposition and a friend of mine suggested that Werner Laurie would be well worth trying. As I do not know them I fear I cannot give you an introduction but there is no reason why you should not approach them direct. I feel myself, however, that you best chance would be to employ a good literary agent.
There are my own people A. P. Watt & Son of Hastings House, Norfolk Street, W.C.2. to whom I should be very pleased to give you an introduction or, if you would prefer a younger man, who not having such a long list of Star Authors, and therefore might be able to devote more time to it, I would suggest J. Farquharson of 8, Halsey House, Red Lion Square W.C.1. The latter is always pestering me to give him part of my business so if you care to write to him by all means mention my name as a form of introduction if you wish.
With kindest regards and all good wishes,
Yours very sincerely,
Dennis Wheatley