The Wine Trade Creditors Association, Ltd.

to Isidore Kerman [of Forsyte, Kerman & Phillips]






The Wine Trade Creditors Association Ltd.

35, Great Tower Street,

London, E.C.3.



27 June, 1934.



Messrs. Forsyte Kerman & Phillips,

9 Carlos Place,

Grosvenor Square,




re: Aleister Crowley.



Dear Sirs,


We shall be glad to know if you act for the above in all his affairs and, if so, if you van obtain instructions to deal with the account owing by him to our Subscribers, Messrs. H. B. Fearon, Block & Co., Ltd. of 26/7 South Audley Street, W.1., amounting to £177. 152. 2d. for goods sold and delivered.


We await the favour of an early reply,


Yours faithfully,




