Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Wilfred Talbot Smith
[15 August 1934]
. . . The enclosed warning might be printed or multigraphed, and circulated as widely as you see fit.
The Master Therion warns all Aspirants to the Sacred Wisdom and the Magick of Light that Initiation cannot be bought, or even conferred; it must be won by personal endeavor.
Members of the true Order of A∴A∴ are pledged to zeal in service to those whom they supervise, and to accept no reward of any kind for such service. Nor does the Order receive any fees whatsoever when degrees of Initiation are confirmed by its authority.
He especially warns all persons against C.F. Russell of Chicago Ill. and his agents. He is a thief, swindler, and blackmailer; he has stolen the property of the Order and used it to enable him to pose as its representative, and so to carry on his swindles upon would-be Initiates.
Russell is a man of no education, he cannot even spell correctly. Steps have been taken to prosecute him for his frauds.