Correspondence from Charles Harper [Waterhouse & Co., Solicitors for Constable & Co.]


Otto Kyllmann [Constable & Co., Publishers of Laughing Torso]



[Correspondence concerning Constable & Co.'s preparation for the appeal to the libel suit brought by

Aleister Crowley against Nina Hamnett and the publication of her book Laughing Torso.]




Waterhouse & Co.


10 & 12 Bishopsgate,

London, E.C.2.



24th October 1934




My dear Kyllmann,


The application for a new trial is getting rather near and I expect will be heard in the Court of Appeals at the beginning of November.


Messrs O'Connor have asked if you will contribute towards their client's disbursements, in other words pay their counsel's fees, but I have replied that I have no instructions on this. I do not see why you should.


Yours sincerely,


Charles S. J. Harper





Otto Kyllmann, Esq.,

10 & 12, Orange Street,

Leicester Square,



