High Court of Justice, King's Bench Division to Aleister Crowley WRIT OF SUMMONS
In the High Court of Justice. King's Bench Division
1934.—B.—No. 4286
L.S. 13 Nov 1934
Between B. S. RHODES LIMITED (Plaintiff) and EDWARD ALEXANDER CROWLEY (Defendant)
George the Fifth, by the Grace of God, of Great Britain, Ireland and the British Dominions beyond the Seas, King, Defender of the Faith, To Edward Alexander Crowley of 9 Carlos Place in the County of London WE COMMAND YOU, That within Eight Days after the Service of this Writ on you, inclusive of the day of such Service, you do cause an Appearance to be entered for you in an Action at the Suit of B. S. Rhodes Limited And take Notice, that in default of your so doing, the Plaintiffs may proceed therein, and Judgment may be given in your absence.
Lord High Chancellor of Great Britain, the thirteenth day of November, in the year of Our Lord One thousand nine hundred and thirty four.
STATEMENT OF CLAIM The Plaintiffs Claim is FOR principal and interest owing under a Covenant in a Deed dated 29th June 1934 whereby in consideration of the principal sum of £125. lent by the Plaintiffs to him the Defendant covenated to pay to the Plaintiffs on demand the said principal sum of £125. or such part thereof as should remain owing at the date of such demand together with interest at the rate of £60. per cent per annum computed from the 29th June 1934 with a proviso that no such demand should be made before the 29th June 1935 as long as the Defendant paid to the Plaintiffs on the 29th day of each month commencing on the 29th July 1933 interest at the rate aforesaid on the said principal sum or such part thereof as should remain unpaid and with a further proviso that upon such demand being made the said principal sum or such part thereof as should then remain unpaid together with the interest to the date of such demand should carry interest from the date of demand at the rate of £60. per cent per annum until payment. Te Defendant paid the instalments of interest due on the 29th July 1934, 29th August 1934 and the 29th September 1934 but failed to pay the instalment of interest due on the 29th October 1934 and demand was made in accordance with the terms of the said Deed on the 8th November 1934 for payment of the said principal sum of £125. with which demand the Defendant has failed to comply.
The Plaintiffs also claim interest on the sum of £133.0.3. from the date hereof until payment or Judgment after the rate of £60. per cent annum as provided by said Deed.
The following are the particulars required by Order 3 Rule 10 of the Rules of the Supreme Court:—
(a) The Plaintiffs are Licensed Moneylenders
(b) The loan was made on the 29th June 1934
(c) The amount actually lent to the borrower was £125
(d) The rate per cent per annum of interest charged was 60.
(e) The date when the contract for repayment was made was the 29th June 1934
(f) A Memorandum of such contract was made and was signed by the borrower
(g) A copy of such Memorandum was delivered or sent to the borrowed on the 29th June 1934
(h) The sum of £18.15.0. has been paid by way of interest under the said Deed
(i) The amount due but unpaid is £133.0.3.
(j) The said sum became due on the 8th November 1934
(k) The amount of interest accrued due and unpaid on such sum is £1.1.9.
(Signed) M.A. Jacobs & Sons
And the sum of £4.15.6 (or such sum as may be allowed on taxation) for Costs; and also, in case the Plaintiffs obtain and Order for substituted Service, the further sum of £2.14.6 (or such sums as may be allowed on taxation). If the amount claimed be paid to the Plaintiffs or their Solicitors or Agent within four days from the Service hereof, further proceedings will be stayed.
This Writ was issued by M. A. JACOBS & SONS, of and whose Address for Service is 73 & 74 Jermyn Street, St. James's, S.W.1, Solicitors for the said Plaintiffs, whose registered address is 13 & 14 New Bond Street, London, W.1.