Correspondence from Charles Harper [Waterhouse & Co., Solicitors for Constable & Co.] to Otto Kyllmann [Constable & Co., Publishers of Laughing Torso]
[Correspondence following Constable & Co.'s defence against the libel suit and appeal brought by Aleister Crowley against Nina Hamnett and the publication of her book Laughing Torso.]
Waterhouse & Co. Solicitors 10 & 12 Bishopsgate, London, E.C.2.
22nd January 1935
My dear Kyllmann,
One of my clerks served Crowley this morning with the summons to attend to be examined as to his means.
We had traced Crowley to where he is at present staying, namely 39, Coventry Street—a bachelor apartment house—and he was served in the street as he came out of the house. You were not aware that he was almost a neighbour of yours!
The examination will take place on the 1st of February and if you still wish to be present I will let you know what hour and where, but I think you will probably prefer not to go.
Yours sincerely,
Charles S. J. Harper
Otto Kyllmann, Esq., 10 & 12, Orange Street, Leicester Square, W.C.2.