Correspondence from Isidore Kerman [of Forsyte, Kerman & Phillips] to the Official Receiver
8th February 1935
re Edward Alexander Crowley No. 38 of 1935
Dear Sir,
We thank you for your letter of the 6th instant, and would inform you that we were acting for Mr. Crowley in three matters as follows:—
Crowley v Constable & Co. Ltd. & o[the]rs. This was an Action for libel which came before Mr. Justice Rigby Swift and a Special Jury, and the Jury found a verdict in favour of the Defendants. An Appeal against this verdict was lodged, and the Court of Appeal upheld the Judgment of Mr. Justice Rigby Swift.
Crowley v Sedgwick & ors. This is a claim by Mr. Crowley for libel and the Pleadings have all been delivered and the Action is ready for entering for trial. In view of the decision in the above case, this Action was not proceeded with.
Crowley v Jarrolds. Similar remarks apply to this case.
If there is any further information you desire with regard to these matters, kindly let us know.
Yours faithfully,
The Official Receiver, Bankruptcy Buildings, Carey Street, W.C.2.