Correspondence from Constable & Co. [Publishers of Laughing Torso]


Mr. Jones [Waterhouse & Co., Solicitors for Constable & Co.]



[Correspondence following Constable & Co.'s defence against the libel suit and appeal brought

by Aleister Crowley against Nina Hamnett and the publication of her book Laughing Torso.]





June 7th 1935





We write to acknowledge with thanks the safe receipt of the parcel of books by Aleister Crowley which you returned to us a couple of days ago. We note that another firm of solicitors may wish to purchase the copy of WHITE STAINS for what it cost us viz. £11.


We shall be willing to take this price and will hold the book here pending your information.


Yours faithfully,




Messrs Waterhouse & Co.,

10 and 12 Bishopsgate


For the attention of Mr. Jones


