Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Wilfred Talbot Smith




c/o Dennes and Co., 22 Chancery Lane.



15 August [1935]







Thanks for letter from R to Mrs Green. So now we know why Russell [C. F. Russell] in this present incarnation is a blind rat!


I have rarely read such a farrago of bluster and blackmail. He is evidently scared. I hope that no time is being lost in complaints to the District Attorney.


I am taking it up this end through the U.S. Consulate.


I was exceedingly pleased to see One Star in Sight so beautifully printed. Please tell Mrs Green that I shall always feel most grateful for her kindness. If this pamphlet is properly circulated, it ought to bring you in many folk of the right kind to the Mass [Gnostic Mass].


The enclosed warning might be printed or multigraphed, and circulated as widely as you may think fit.


Things here are rather at a standstill—August and September are always dead—but am working hard, and hope to report further progress very soon.


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[Enclosed with letter above.]


The Master Therion warns all Aspirants to the Sacred Wisdom and the Magick of Light that Initiation cannot be bought, or even conferred; it must be won by personal endeavour.


Members of the true order of AA are pledged to seal in service to those whom they supervize, and to accept no reward of any kind for such service. Nor does the Order receive any fees whatsoever when degrees of Initiation are conferred by its authority.


He especially warns all persons against C.F. Russell of Chicago Ill and his agents. He is a thief, swindler and blackmailer; he has stolen the property of the Order and used it to enable him to pose as its representative, and so to carry on his swindles upon would-be Initiates.


Russell is a man of no education, he cannot even spell correctly. Steps have already been taken to prosecute him for his frauds.




