Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Wilfred Talbot Smith
[On Savoy Hotel notepaper.]
Sept 10 [1935]
I was very pleased indeed by your remarks on XXVII. Sound original thinking and real understanding. I have not translated Yi King, or even done my real book on it. Nor can I, while this paralysis of poverty grips me.
O.T.O. etc (Yours of Aug 22).
You must have a Treasurer: you are G[rand] M[aster] and you cannot duplicate offices. I suggest Max Schneider or Mary Green. There is only one rule about fees etc. They all go to Grand Treasurer, and he makes the Lodge contributing an allowance according to its needs. E.g. if I get in £500 for O.T.O. here, I find out what you require to start properly with good furniture and regalia and send you funds accordingly. I mention this as there is a prospect: discussing matter next Wednesday. Get the idea, and its simple to work out any given case. Of course my Grand Treasurer wouldn't kill your Lodge by refusing you—it might be 100% back to you. But keep the principle intact.
I suggest that you stick to the good old rule of making every Minerval produce one (or two) more before proceeding to 1°.
You ask various questions which I can hardly answer without the papers. Will you please have copies made at once of all rituals etc and sent to me? I don't even know how much you have got.
The words of 1° and 2° yes: 1° 2° 3° spells 7° our martyred G.M.
I shall attend to pledge forms, diplomas etc here when funds permit. In haste.
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