Correspondence from Aleister Crowley [as Michael Dowling] to Karl Germer

[Crowley using an assumed name to communicate with Karl

Germer without arousing suspicions from the German Gestapo]



Dowling-Kimber Secretariat Literary Agency

Sentinel House




[16 September 1935]



Yours of Sept. 3 duly to hand. Greatest sympathy.—Poor Lebrun is more seriously ill than you people suppose, we think that the end is only a matter of a few months.—With regard to paragraph 12 of M.K.'s [Martha Küntzel] letter, will you please go to the British Consul and make a sworn statement as to the proceedings at the "Falstaff" Tavern, and ask him to send it to me at this address.* Let me know what fees are payable, and I will transmit them to the Consulate direct.—All here well and writing hopefully.


Michael Dowling.



* This refers to Martha Küntzel's affidavit describing a meeting at the Falstaff Tavern where Betty May's payment to give hostile evidence against Crowley in the Nina Hamnett / Constable Publishers Libel Trial trial was discussed.


