Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Karl Germer



[On Dowling-Kimber Secretariat letterhead though Crowley

has pointed an arrow at it with the comment:

"These people are washed out—N.[o]G.[ood]"



[Undated: circa November 1935]



O.K. Saw Gollancz [Victor Gollancz, publisher]— v.[ery] favourably impressed by synopsis. Will answer in a day or two. Please send typescript of one chapter—pick an exciting bit! Quick as you can. And authorize me to negotiate with people on your behalf. I can get better terms. (I am interesting people too in other ways.) If the book is well written, it ought to be a really great success. (If not they can put a man on the job.) I shall see about film rights too. The "Magical Secrets" part offers great dramatic possibilities.


Hope news soon of your arrival. If by any chance I miss you at Liverpool Street [Station], phone or call at this address. (GER 2232).


Also arrangements are being made for your comfort, and if you play your cards well—The GW [Great Work] accomplished!


Did you see Dr. [Hans Wilhelm] Thost has been expelled from England?


