Correspondence from Wilfred Talbot Smith to Aleister Crowley
15 Nov 35
I had intended dealing with Paul Clancy [Editor of American Astrology] as soon as your letter arrived giving me authority. Max [Max Schneider] had given us to understand that he personally had publication rights in America. . . .
As to the "Gaps" I leave. I don't miss so very many but the complaint is that I am so impersonal. I am not artist enough to fool them into believing they are each the only oyster in the stew. You know the ladies.
On the other hand the men are annoyed because I don't miss 'em, especially Max. Just yesterday Virginia volunteered to come and take charge of the house. Max was very annoyed and warned her that if she did it would cause a break between them. Too bad don't you know, such a delicate little thing. Probably weighs 165 lbs and I am so burley [sic] with my 190, Mischief now demands that I make the attempt. After all I hold nothing against him because Regina [Regina Kahl] in a spirit of devilment once amused herself with him. These others are peeved because Regina sticks close to so faithless a person, as they see it. What a life. What a life.
However it is a good thing Max is useful to you, for he won't help us in any spirited way. Never yet said the deacon's part letter perfect [for the Gnostic Mass] and resents any comment. We don't see much of him, but he seems more contented now that he has selected two or three who used to come here and is dealing with them personally along A∴A∴ lines as I understand.
We are still in hopes that Regina will get to work and help relieve the financial strain. Just because I get tired and peeved, don't think I intend to cease my efforts. . . . Please write again soon, a letter from you helps a lot.
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