Correspondence from Martha Küntzel to Aleister Crowley
[Leipzig, Germany]
[19 November 1935]
Now, I earnestly beg you to let me know what is wrong with me that you cut me dead as you do. I really do not deserve such a punishment.
As to my second letter to the St. P. [Gestapo], I sent them the first Chapter of Confessions III [The Confessions of Aleister Crowley] and the Appendix, both of which are written that they will be able to follow. They could not have learnt anything through Krumm-Heller's [Arnold Krumm-Heller] answers as he was evidently so frightened out of his wits—if he has any at all, which I begin to doubt—that he tried to back out of any knowledge of The Book of the Law.
About that ominous verse I wrote and explained as I told you, adding that they would be able to see how nearly impossible it was to understand Liber Legis in the MSS I enclosed, and quoted that verse from the Book: "There is a great danger in me, for who does not understand these runes will make a great miss." Thus far, for they would not know what to do with the text.
You know from my letter that they [the Gestapo] had also expressed their astonishment as to my being such a staunch National Socialist [Nazi] and yet in connection with you. To that I answered also. To the quotation of the above verse I added that I myself was firmly convinced of the Book's immeasurable value, but that I was afraid that it would be left to the coming generation to understand it fully which will be better prepared in their minds; "for if it is containing the leading Law for the new Aeon," I continued, it can reveal itself only gradually with the development of the True Will of the people. Thereto the beginning has been started by the "füehrer." Any great revolution of mind develops from a germ-cell in which the very first beginnings are being born, grow and, in the course of time, may become a world-moving Work that will raise all mankind to a higher level, a higher stage of evolution. Such a germ cell were the "Seven" of the NS [National Socialist] movement. Their energy was Adolph Hitler, the man chosen by Providence, because he was the Only one who possessed the qualities for this Great Work; he was born for it.
In the same way the Master Therion has been chosen by Providence to proclaim a Law which has for its aim the spiritual awaking of mankind because he was the proper human instrument for Providence at the turn of the Aeon. Do you understand now why I can be NS with my whole soul, and yet be in connection with Therion from whom I first heard this Law of Liberty? And whose works are only aiming at the spiritual awakening and revival of mankind, at their freeing themselves from the slavery of an alien will and anything else alien to their inner being.