Correspondence from Wilfred Talbot Smith to Aleister Crowley




2 Dec 35



. . . Expect first of the essays [from Little Essays Toward Truth] to be in January issue of American Astrology magazine. . . . Am on the track of another man who is said to have money, expect him to dinner this week. We understand him to be interested in publishing unusual literature. . . . Max [Max Schneider] has deserted us for the last two Sundays [for the Gnostic Mass]; luckily Jane [Jane Wolfe] is at hand. She really does the deacon part magnificently. We none of us know why he has not been around or given any explanation. Jane and I called on him but he has landed a job and is working. The fact is I think he has taken Virginia too seriously, and she really is not quite right in the head. Please write. . . .


