Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Floyd M. Spann
c/o Dennes & Co. 22 Chancery Lane, London. W.C.2.
January 13, 1936.
Mr. F[loyd]. M. Spann 75-05 35th Avenue Jackson Heights Long Island. N.Y.
Dear Sir,
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
I have received copies of your letters of Nov. 20 and Dec. 19 to Mr. W. Talbot Smith [Wilfred Talbot Smith] and of his reply to you, dated Nov. 20.
I should be interested to know a little more about the Rosicrucian organisation to which you adhere. There are so many using or abusing the name. I make no claim to be a member of the Rosicrucian Fraternity. If you have access to my literature, you will perhaps notice with what extreme care I have guarded myself against doing so.
I have never heard of the 'Grand Dome of France', and should like to hear from you on the subject.
Mr. Smith's letter is very clear and accurate, except that my Charter to rule all English speaking countries does not date from the death of Reuss [Theodor Reuss], but from the beginning of my association with him. See the original Manifesto of the O.T.O., paragraph 6. This was first published in 1913.
But I do not personally attach much importance to documents. The curse of fraternal organisations is the eternal squabble about jurisdiction.
The claim of the O.T.O. rests upon the solid basis of its knowledge, which, though partly inherited, has been brought up to date on modern scientific lines by the research of myself and my colleagues. Nor do I believe of the Fairy-story theories of the Secret Wisdom. It does no good to anyone who is not wise. You must train yourself to make proper use of your knowledge, or it is dead.
The only document so far exhibited by Lewis [H. Spencer Lewis] (except a fantastic Warrant or Charter from alleged 'Rosicrucians in Toulouse', containing the grossest blunders in elementary French grammar) is the Facsimile No. 20 of page 108 of Clymer's [R. Swinburne Clymer] jumble of malice and nonsense. This is not a Warrant or Charter, but an Honorary Diploma. It confers no authority to do anything at all, except the right to smile amiably at his own people; and it is revocable. My own Seal appears at the foot. However, this Diploma was issued by Reuss without my knowledge.
But the demonstration is complete that so far as Lewis has any claim to existence at all, it rests upon my authority.
Yet he has acted entirely without my knowledge and approval, in complete disregard of, and in opposition to, my principles. I have always stood for honesty. I have invested any profit of my own money in this Work, and I have never made any profit whatever from the Order. But I think that Lewis should be compelled to acknowledge me as the sole authority, so that I may make such amends as it is possible to the enormous number of people who have sought wisdom through him.
I shall, therefore, be very glad if you will put me in touch with the Federal Trade Commission. I am prepared to take over the whole of the AMORC as it stands, and give my services entirely without reward to its members, including those who have already resigned, demitted, or been expelled by Lewis.
At the same time, pending further information, I am not prepared to condemn Lewis altogether out of hand. Certain methods of his, which would undoubtedly appear contrary to Ethics in this country, may conceivably have some excuse elsewhere.
In any case I am opposed to the destruction as such of an immense organisation whose ordinary members are sincere aspirants to the secret wisdom. It would be abominable if they should be finally disappointed.
I think it might be useful for you to have a talk with Mr. Montgomery Evans, Fifth Avenue Hotel, New York City. He has no interest in Rosicrucians or any other students of the Mysteries, but has known me personally for many years, and can acquaint you with my real position in the world of literature and serious people, when the tumult of the ravings of Clymer, the 'Tabloids', and crooks and maniacs generally has died away.
In case of urgency, my cable address is 'Crowley Chancellor London'.
Love is the law, lover under will.
Fraternally yours