Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Wilfred Talbot Smith




11 Feb 36



Care Frater 132




Yours of 29 Jan gives me a great deal of satisfaction. You were quite right not to show the ritual to anyone. "Trust not a stranger, fail not of an heir".


I think that your assistance from Herbst [Dr. Vernon Bernard Herbst] may be very fruitful. When things go a little better you will see the value of the lessons taught you by the years of hard sledding. I hope to hear of practical results.


I understood from Herbst that he would be back in London in January or February, and I assume that he will communicate with me when he arrives.


I am very glad to hear of your good results about the Elixir and the flow of will power.


I have not heard from Herbst as you thought I should do. Perhaps he is on his way to England and will communicate in person. I do hope that you have been acting on my previous letter and cable. If Wayne Walker is serious, he ought to be able to find the money for me to come over. 5000 dollars is the figure we want. But I would take a chance if 2,500 dollars came along. But that is the irreducible minimum.


I am writing this to catch the fast boat.


93     93/93


Yours fraternally




