Correspondence from Wilfred Talbot Smith to Aleister Crowley




18 Feb 36



Care Frater 666


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


You will be glad to hear that Viator [Max Schneider] and I are getting along famously. . . .


We held a special Mass [Gnostic Mass] for Walker and some 10 or 15 of his followers. He and they appear to have been very impressed. If and when he allies himself with us, I think he will be a good man to hold together at least the "Men of Earth". . . .


Notes on the following I have carried in my pocket for two months: I must get the matter off my chest. In Liber 27 the actual interpretation of is not given. The Black Brethren use it to conceal.


I suggest: One of nature's rarities—a Priestess of the Silver Star, in fact Liber LXVI: "Also the Priestess shall seek another altar and perform my ceremonies thereon" It also seems to connect with that most mysterious passage, "see and strike at the worship of Nu: she shall achieve Hadit". Is any of this correct?


Of late my attention has been intrigued by the difference between the potential or static (which word is best?) perception of truth, and the dynamic. However I feel it a misstatement, for unless it is dynamic there can be no perception.


It would seem that the mind must be continuously flowing from the point of balance, alternately, to either pole of the idea.


And now as I write, perhaps each time the poles have to be extended until they meet. Then they consume one another and nothing remains. What a blessing!


Love is the law, love under will.




