Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to André Pigné
25 Feb 36
Dear Sir,
I am in receipt of your letter of the 24th. . . for the next few weeks you can reach me more quickly by addressing letters to 33 Albert Rd N.W.1. You should find it simple enough to join a Masonic Lodge. I have forgotten the address of the Grand Orient, but I have no doubt that it is in the Telephone Book. Otherwise someone in your Café would be sure to be able to put you in touch with the local lodge; alternatively you would find names and addresses in the Masonic Magazines. But while I highly approve of your resolution to join the craft, I doubt whether you will find in it anything to help you to fulfil any aspirations which have been excited in you by the perusal of my book on Magick. I suggest your writing me a detailed letter when I could perhaps give you further help. But please add some information about your position, tastes, domestic circumstances etc together with the place, year, hour and minute, if possible of birth.
Yours sincerely.