Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Wilfred Talbot Smith
[Undated: circa late March 1936]
C.F. 132
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
The Greeting of the Equinox of Spring.
The Word of the Equinox is B E A S T
This was the vision accompanying:—"The vision started with myself riding the Beast, whose form I could not see. The extraordinary thing was the exhilaration and happiness which I felt and had not felt for months. There was the impression of terrific speed, my hair flying behind me. Looking down I saw millions of people of all nationalities all looking up at us with the most rapt expression of joy and adoration. Then suddenly from nowhere a child was visible with fair curly hair, simple standing and smiling. He had the most beautiful smile on his face. But the glory of the child was the aura around him of white and gold, which radiated out from him to all those millions of people below him." The Oracle is VII, iv 34 sq.
34. In the boat of Ra did I travel, but I never found upon the visible Universe any being like unto Thee.
35. Thou wast like a winged white horse, and I raced Thee through eternity against the Lord of the Gods.
36. So still we race.
Love is the law, love under will.
T[o] M[ega] Th[erion]