Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Charles Stansfeld Jones





59 Great Ormond Street, W.C.1.

HOLborn 5005



June 26th 1936.



C.[are] F.[rater] 777 – 418-13,


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


The hour being come, and the Eclipse of Betelgeuse at work, I opened and perused that jackdaw collection of sham jewellery after 3 years and 11 months of preparation.


This is to hope you are sufficiently returned to sanity to take your part in the Work. For as Job may be restored to his own and beget sons and daughters, so may Nebuchadnezzar. Turning them out to grass often restores 'em to the two-year-old activity. (But you need not have eaten all that dirt!)


Well, watchman, what of the night?


Love is the law, love under will.




To Mega Therion,

Τ. Μ. Θ. 666

9º=2o     AA



Address after Aug 3

c/o Dennes& Co.

22 Chancery Lane



