Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Aleister Crowley
July 11, 1936
The Phoenix—O.H.O. Headquarters p.t. London, England
Dear Phoenix
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
The copy of your letter of June 26th sent via Monomark has now come to hand. Is the address "Deemes" or "Dennes"? When do you expect to issue Liber AL?
There are a couple of other questions which I should be glad if you would answer for my private information:
(1) What year did you first contact Spencer Lewis [H. Spencer Lewis]—was he in any way attached to A∴A∴ in England, prior to your meeting him in N.Y.?
(2) Have you had any official dealings with him since you became O.H.O.; i.e. is he aware you hold that office, and have you ever recognized his claim to hold any kind of office under charter or warrant from Perigrinus [Theodor Reuss]?
I just want officially to be made aware of the situation; am not in touch with him in any way.
Love is the law, love under will
Yours in the Bonds of the Order,