Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Aleister Crowley





True Copy made March 24, 1948—Achad

2 carbons sent [crossed-out] (possibly one for Saturnus [Karl Germer])



P.O. Box 365

Vancouver, B.C., Canada



July 12, 1936



Care Frater 666,


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law!


I don't know just what you have in mind in opening up the channel of communication with me after the long silence—except for the briefest intervals some years ago.


My own interpretation of currents is that once having performed my task of supplying you with the key of Liber Legis, I have since been led to push ahead as rapidly as possible with preparations for the aeon of M.A.A.T.' which should be looked for in order to correct the balance of the heavy swing of the pendulum caused by the incoming of what we may term your aeon, and therefore tend to restore equilibrium.


If you bear this in mind (for a careful examination will I think show you that it explains all my work and actions) you will better be able to calculate the degree of response or repulse any fresh action you may take, or expect to take, in my regard, will produce.


Love is the law, love under will.


Yours fraternally,


(s[igne]d) 777



P.S. I would have you consider that my proper office in connection with the aeon may be a concealed one. (even as Liber Legis is said to be: written and concealed) so that the last ten years may have been preparation for a hidden office. Should this be the case, and it seems so to me from every indication, any undue publicity into which I might be brought, would probably do more harm than good to the whole cause.


The Word, the hidden influence of which has affected the events of the last ten years, was uttered at 6.19 P.M. on May 8, 1926 in city of Philadelphia. Our mutual agreement was made in June of that year (June 4th.). You admit your career since thrown out of expected course.



N.B. The above is my reply to a hand-written letter from 666 (which is in my possession) opening up the correspondence of that period. It begins CF 777-418-13 Do what thou wilt etc. and is signed: To Mega ORION 666, 9º=2o    AA  Logos Alonos Thelema 93.




