Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Charles Cammell




59 Great Ormond Str. W.C.1



July 22, 1936.



My dear Cammell.


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


I want to thank you very heartily for your appreciation of Mortaldello but still more for the beautiful book with its charming inscription which arrived by the following post. The only way in which you can help further is to pray that I can find some time to read it! I am being rushed at on every side, "by angels many and strong", and I cannot read a book like that in snatched moments.


Either Tuesday or Wednesday will suit me, but I should like to know in good time. Wednesday at 1.30 would be ideal.


I hope you will put in a little time thinking out what can be done about my persecution-mania. It seems to me that the whole cause of progress is compromised by these eructations of the canaille. What we want is victory to-day, not mausoleums paid for by post-dated cheques on posterity. Please give me a ring as early as convenient to settle time and place for this Symposium.


Your sincerely.


Aleister Crowley.


