Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Charles Stansfeld Jones





c/o Dennes & Co.

22 Chancery Lane, W.C.2.



July 22, 1936.



Care Frater 777,


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


I have myself been silent all these years for the simple reason that the world was not ripe for the definite publication of the Book of the Law and the Comment. But I have never forgotten your rank and function.


Your preparations for the Aeon of Justice seem to me personnel to yourself, incidents in the course of your initiation, and I have no doubt that they will flower at the fall of the Great Equinox. But I think that your position in respect to the Aeon of Horus is to be considered of supreme importance at this juncture. I so not al all think that your work in respect of the Book of the Law has passed beyond its beginning. I regard the curious experiences through which you have passed as the necessary training for your full assumption of your office. Similar remarks appeared to me the logical continuation of my career, and it is now perfectly clear to me that the many bitter and humiliating experiences of the last few years must be regarded as imposed upon me in order to fit me for my present job.


I have therefore written to all those who have been trained by the AA


The establishment of the Aeon cannot be taken as accomplished, as we are sworn to do, until the Law of Thelema is everywhere accepted as the basis of conduct, exactly as happened in the case of the Roman Empire with the formula of I.A.C. It seems a not unreasonable anticipation that in the course of the next very few years the smashing of the old formula will no longer be obscured by the frantic denials of the unintiate. In the ruin men will seek for a new formula, and the first condition of this will evidently be that it is universal, since any other formula is unthinkable, now that science has broken down the physical barriers between the creeds. Men must therefore turn to us for light and leading.


I am not seeking in any way to influence your action, or even to suggest to you any course. The only purpose of my letter was to indicate that in my opinion the night watch was over


Love is the law, love under will.


Yours fraternally,




