Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Aleister Crowley
Post Office Box 365 Vancouver, B.C., Canada
August 7, 1936
Care Frater 666,
I did a special op[eratio]n. last night with a view to further light on things, and the first result was the considerations on functions of the 'child' made while still in bed this morning, and thereafter included in last letter. Since then, on way to town, further important considerations have arisen, and I am taking this opportunity of a borrowed typewriter to send them on at once.
It has occurred to me that the outcome of a "circle squared in its failure" might turn out to be something in the nature of an OVAL (see last four letters of number and letter cipher in Chapter II); which figure is formed about twin foci (pillars of the universe) by means of a "line drawn" about these points by a third moving point, giving to the looped line an ever-changing angle, and itself (the third point) describing an ellipse, such as that shown on the "Universe" in the Tarot. (Change all this into the true form of "ovum" and the symbolism is perhaps better.)
In this event, there is a possibility that the "numbers & letters" may finally give some mathematical formula of the universe whereby the complete figure could be set up. This, however, is only a guess.
When it is said "I have crushed an universe and naught remains" it need not be read as "destroyed" but rather that the forces referred to had the effect of "crushing" the "circle" (pass-not) into the form of "naught" or "0"—the Oval (of Al.)
It may be added that I have found in regard to "personal" attainment that the use of "twin foci" works exceedingly well in a certain secret form of opn. somewhat different from IX°, and this has been part of my own formula for a considerable time past; but it was only today that I saw its application to the mysteries of Liber Legis in universal form. Many other suggestions come to my mind in this connection, but I think the above will give you the idea, which perhaps you will work on a bit, and let me know what you make of it. (This entirely fits in with the other "Word" I previously mentioned.)
Yours fraternally,
Chapter I. 45. The Perfect and the Perfect are one Perfect and not two; nay, are none!
46. Nothing is a secret key of this law. Sixty-one the Jews call it; I call it eight, eighty, fourhundred& eighteen.
47. But they have the half: unite by thine art so that all disappear.
48. My prophet is a fool with his one, one, one; are not they the Ox, and none by the Book?
COMMENT: Aug 9, 1936 A new interpretation of the above verses has since yesterday opened up to me; it does not necessarily abrogate the previous one.
The uniting of the Perfect and the Perfect (v.45) is again referred to when it is said: "unite by thine art etc." (v.47)
"Nothing is a secret key of this law." This "Nothing" is "Ain"; the Perfect Nothing, or First Veil of the Negative, back of the whole Qabalistic system of the Jews; and its numerical value is 61, as stated in verse 46. (This appears as the first half of an equation, which equation is probably that which is referred to in verse 56 (NV) of Chapter I, q.v.)
"I (NV) call it eight, eighty, fourhundred& eighteen." It has been shown elsewhere how these numbers, as representing the initial, letters and numeration of PARZIVAL, the Pure Fool, can be reduced to "Nothing" by Tarot.
But there is another concealed meaning, which seems to connect this one with the "child" mentioned in verse 56, and also to show the passing of the old aeon, and the mystery of the "empty left-hand" of Chapter III, verse 72, q.v., etc. etc.
Nuit says: I call it (nothing) 8, 80, 418 which together make 506. Now firstly 506 is a glyph ov NV herself, for her number is 11 (5 + 0 + 6 = 11), ans she is identified with six and fifty, the 50, in this case, standing before the 6 (as it is secretly written, Chapter III, v. 8., None = Nun = 50, shall stand before "you" = "U" = 6—another glyph of NV.)
But 506 jas another meaning: it is Sh V R, that is to say "BovisáSinistra"—The OX at the left hand, the old aeon which has been left, and yet which is a part of the Perfect team, when equated with AIN, nothingness, so that both become none—"nay, are none."
This old aeon, the second half of the equation, is (v.56) to be "left unattacked" by the Prophet.
Now comes the uniting by art of the two halves of the equation (v.47); that is to say, we must ass the two numbers 61 and 506, which gives us 567 ( a true number sequence) and we must unite the letters of A. I. N. with those of SH.v.R., which, being rightly done by art, gives R A Sh V N I = 567 = FIRSTBORN—the child of the New Aeon by the Old, which again equals PARZIVAL etc. etc. so that all may be said to disappear, and yet the Perfect and the Perfect have become One.
This is further proved by the reference in verse 48 to the Ox (ShVR) and None (Ain) which are so by the "Book" the Sepher (book) Sephiroth, as well as the "Book" of Hermes—the Taro. The one, one, one is equally 111, - Aleph, the Ox, spelt in full, and AVM of Ch.I.verse 56, the seal of the "child", which reappears again as the penultimate word of the whole of Book AL—Aum Ha.
There is, however, a further mystery of uniting by art so that all disappear, but this can not be revealed at present because it is connected with the secret Word (the word not known) pronounced by the Firstborn in 1926—the mystery of the babe within the egg of the fifth element (Chapter II, v 49) which is the Quintessence, or Aethyr of the Pure Fool.
Copy for Fra 666.
Achad. Aug 9/36
P.S. The "team" of "Oxen" (and of fools) may be the A∴A∴ as representing twice "Nemo is Fra A∴A∴ and also the twin foci, or "pillars" of the OVAL, or "crushed" circle. Yet "still the Roving Finger writes."