Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Aleister Crowley
Post Office Box 365 Vancouver, B.C., Canada
August 11, 1936
Care Frater 666,
Your letter of July 30th was received today.
Since the M.P. [Morning Post] did not print the article at the time I think the indications are to let the matter drop. I have had a big move since then. If my memory serves me Frater Aud's [Raoul Loveday] article was a carbon copy, undated and unsigned; and my notes were made from a letter of yours which, had the paragraphs been fully quoted, would have shown that you were on the defensive as a result of my declining to take any part in the Cefalu activities and to send people to you there. Such evidence would be of no value to your cause.
So far as the L.A. bunch is concerned, it could hardly be expected, after my past experiences, that I should wish to have intimate dealings with them in the future. I am sorry to hear of the death of Frater Progradior [Frank Bennett] of Australia.
Your p.s. in regard to the printer—following upon notices sent in other letters—cannot but give me the impression that one of your chiefs objects in reopening this correspondence is the hope of raising money. My agreement prohibits any further business dealings with you, and I intend to stick to it.
Yours fraternally,