Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Wilfred Talbot Smith
BM/JPKH. London W.C.1.
16 Sept [1936]
Care Frater 132
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
There appears to be dissatisfaction in some quarters about the administration of finances.
There have been suggestions that commercial considerations have entered into the sexual relations of people inside or outside of the Lodge: it doesn't matter which.
You know perfectly well that you can't run the O.T.O. as a racket: and that traffic in sex is an abomination.
You knew all this had been reported to me, but I get no explanation beyond a quite unintelligible letter from Sor[or]: 516 [Jane Wolfe].
I am afraid that 1746 N Winona Boulevard [Agape Lodge] will be "out of bounds" until this matter is cleared up to my absolute satisfaction.
If you have a defence you had better cable me; otherwise I shall be obliged to make your suspension public, and withhold supplies.
Love is the law, love under will.
Yours in the bonds of the Order
Phoenix [in Greek letters] XI° OHO [Outer Head of the Order] and Frater Superior.