Correspondence from Friedrich Lekve to Aleister Crowley
Friedrich Lekve Hildesheim, Kuchenthalstrake 24
E. Aleister Crowley Esq. 59, Great Ormond Street, London W.C.1.
Oct. 8th 1936
Dear and most honourable Master THERION,
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.
I beg to hand you herewith the first copy of the monthly communications of the "Kries um Thelema", which may be a thank for the friendly lines, you were kind enough to send me through Soror Küntzel [Martha Küntzel].
You will see from this exemplar, that I was not idle in the meantime and this is to ascertain you my fierce resolution to fight for the future of Thelema with all my own best power.
Moreover I wish to inform you to whom you gave your trust for the future of "Thelema" in Germany, and I think the best way is to include my horoscope.
The "Kries um Thelema" will be a loose association of friends interested in this matter with the purpose, to bring about a contact with Magic and the new Law of Thelema, and this cercle [sic] is to create later on a first common for the sake of Thelema.
The monthly editions of the "Kries" will bring essays in order to introduce in this science, later on philosophical researches referring to the new law, and last not least publications of proper parts of your own works. I should be glad to obtain one day also an essay from your pen fit for the German readers of our monthly editions.
At this occasion I confirm still, that I took from Soror Küntzel on the stock of my firm 6 cases marked A.C. 666, No. 1-6, containing paintings of yours, which I shall reserve here to your order.
[remainder of letter missing?]