Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Charles Cammell




68 Warren Drive,

Tolworth, Surrey.



11 Nov 1936.



My dear Cammell.


"Let the victors, as they come

When the forts of folly fall,

Find the body by the wall!"


Injustice may be remedied in three ways


(a) Appeal.


(b) Pile up the iniquity until the public conscience is revolted.


(c) Try a flank attack.


I think it a (difficult and painful) duty to push (a) till (b) automatically supervenes. But we should try (c) too as best we can. I was not proposing any "Order" to you, only to enlist you aid as one of a number of private persons who are determined to restore Art and Literature to their proper place, privilege, and dignity. Shelley Byron Rossetti Swinburne Burton k.t.l. [etc.] all met this trouble; but I have been honoured by as much abomination as the lot put together. I am asking you to help to win a victory for all time for all of us.


More later: hope to see you next week.




Aleister Crowley.


P.S. Your law not my law? But my law is the Law of Thelema, and affirms your law because it is yours and not A.C.'s. If you reject the Law of Thelema, you deny your own rights to a law of your own, and offer your wrists to the fetters of an alien law.




