Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Aleister Crowley





December 13, 1936



Care Frater 666,


The sentiments expressed in the letter of Fra. O.S.V. [Aleister Crowley] postmarked November 23rd are such as to make the communication unworthy of direct reply.


Since he states that he has "looked up the affair" and since the conclusions thus arrived at, as expressed in the letter, are utterly false, I can but doubt the value of his methods of investigation or else his ability to form a proper judgment from the facts at his disposal. The only point about this worthy of consideration is that if for the last ten years you (and he) have been suffering from a complete misapprehension in regard to the matter, and are still, as it now appears, persisting in this error of judgment, you have not alone been doing me a great injustice, but from the higher, wider or more occult standpoint, have in all probability brought upon yourself and the work you represent a degree of failure which would not have manifested had your mind and thoughts been truly directed in this connection. A complete purification of consciousness, and readjustment of viewpoint towards this matter, and an attempt, at least interiorly to make amends for the wrong done in thought to a Brother, would seem to be the indicated course for Fra. O.S.V. to pursue.


Yours fraternally,


