Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Oskar Hopfer
66 Redclyffe Gardens. Earls Court. S.W.10.
6 January 1937
Care Frater.
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
I was very glad to get your letter of December 31st and wish you a very happy and prosperous New Year. I am very glad you take the attitude you do about your work. I think your programme for the day is excellent.
I would not say that Grosche [Eugen Grosche] and Tranker [Heinrich Tränker] were brothers of the left hand path, they are just ordinary little people muddling along in their stupidity without the backing of moral character which is a first condition of any kind of attainment.
I am very interested in your dream but I do not like to say anything about it because so many causes are at work and an immense amount of rubbish has been written on the subject. It is very dangerous to pay too much attention to phenomena whose analysis cannot be controlled.
I am looking forward to your next letter for the Book of the Law is everything and our own personal progress only important in so far as it helps us to be of greater use in the establishment of the Law.
I note you have in storage a number of pictures. Are there any books or manuscripts with them? If so I should be glad to have a list. After many tribulations we are on the way to establish a Head Quarter and it is important to concentrate all information.
Love is the law, love under will.
Yours fraternally.