Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Oskar Hopfer
66 Redclyffe Gardens. Earls Court. S.W.10.
20 January 1937
Care Frater.
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
I am sorry for the delay in answering your letter of January 10th. I quite agree with what you say about your pioneer problem but it seems to me that under the present circumstances, if I understand them aright, the only means of propaganda is to address the Leader [Adolph Hitler] himself and show him that the acceptance of these philosophical principles is the only means of demonstrating to reason instead of merely to enthusiasm the propriety of the measures he is taking for the rebuilding of the Reich. Unless he does this the Churches will ultimately strangle him; they have an almost infinite capacity for resistance and endurance for this very reason that their systems are based on a fundamental theory which enabled them to survive attacks and restraints. They bow as much as they are compelled to bow to force and they subsequently excuse their yielding on the grounds of expediency. If the Fuhrer wishes to establish his principle permanently he must uproot them entirely and this can only be done by superceding their deepest conceptions. An excellent instance in comparatively recent history of the use of this method is shown by Hegel who established the Prussian system as against the very threatening subversive movements which were so powerful when he was beginning his philosophical work.
Enthusiasm for a man or an outward system dies with the man or with the circumstances that have brought the system into being. The Law of Thelema being infinitely rigid and infinitely elastic is an enduring basis.
Love is the law, love under will.