Correspondence from Friedrich Lekve to Aleister Crowley





Friedrich Lekve,

c/o Wetzell Gummiwerke,





17 . 3 . 37



M.[ost] h.[onourable] M.[aster] Th.[erion]


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


I have just received your letter to S.K. from which I saw with deepest regret, that Dennes & Co. changed their address.


I have informed about this Mr. Hermann Müller c/o G. Grumer & Co. 10/12 Mieton Street. E.G.2. who will see to the new address of Dennes & Co., as far as you do not prefer to pay a visit to Mr. Müller yourself.


I did my best possible and hope for a good result.


Yours sincerely


Friedrich Lekve


