Correspondence from Friedrich Lekve to Aleister Crowley





Hildesheim (Germany)



the 13th of april 1937



M. r. M. Th. [Most reverable Master Therion],


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


I was glad to receive two days before Easter your news referring to the visit you paid to Mr. M.


For order and safety sake I beg to inform you with these lines, that the announced Ms. did not arrive up to now.


And now to our future work: My own experience base is the astrological. The mere Thelema-Circular letters had a very slow result and to continue only this way I should have to wait some 50 years, and I should be an old man up to the visibility of any influence.


I wish to try now a new way: I shall seek by advertisements in certain periodicals persons who are interested in a private correspondence in astrological self-studio; I shall make those who sue for such a private correspondence to personal friends by making horoscopes of them and by conversation about the various planetarial effects on their personal fate and character. The next step in this conversation will be to make clear to them the law of Thelema just from the point of view of astrology, a further step will be the conversation about the deep relations of the astrology to Magic and Qabalah and to the Great Work to unite with the Pure and True Will or Holy Angel. The next step will be the introduction of systematical exercises to strength then the One united Will in this cercle [sic] of Thelemites, which has to grow in width and depth.


You asked me some time ago, whether your picture cases on stock any Ms. I could examine up to now only two cases and therein I could not find any Ms. But Soror Küntzel [Martha Küntzel] informed me, that in all these cases will be only pictures, and that the case with the Ms. fell already in Berlin into the hands of Mr. Germer [Karl Germer].


I cannot pretend up to day with full security, whether I can enable my journey to England but of course, all I can do to arrange it, I shall do.


Love is the law, love under will.


Yours fraternally


Friedrich Lekve


