Correspondence from Friedrich Lekve to Aleister Crowley
Friedrich Lekve Hildesheim (Germany)
D. N.
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
First of all I wish to expose my enthusiasm about your Comment to AL. It is the spirit of future which breathes in your work, as far as I am ripe enough to understand it.
I received your telegram. Well, I regret its contents, but I cannot change it. I did my best I could do.
We shall have to speak there upon at my staying in London; This seems to become a reality now, and I think that we shall travel to London in the 2nd half of May. I shall be accompanied by the Chief Manager of my company and together with our agent [illegible] I love to pay visits to our customers. I think, that I shall stay in London for a week or so, and of course I should be pleased to see you at this seldom occasion at the evenings.
If you wish to see me during my London stay as often as possible I beg to make the following suggestion: I suppose, that you have in London a small residence of 2 or 3 rooms, where you dwell, and I beg you to allow me to sleep there for night. I need no bed, I should send you through my agent an inflatable rubber Camping Bed, on which I should sleep. The purpose of this suggestion in only, to enable the daily possibility to see you. But of course, I wish no troubles for you.
Awaiting with interest your further news to my home address "Küchenthalstr. 24".
I remain yours fraternally
Friedrich Lekve
Love is the law, love under will.