Correspondence from Jane Wolfe to Aleister Crowley
[Undated: circa May 1937]
I miss writing you, miss hearing from you, vicariously and directly. I would like to reach you again, but—have I anything to offer?
I am now teaching on this Adult Evening School Program of Uncle Sam: Radio (using sound equipment), Dramatics and Speech Development!! O dear, how I did come down to earth all along the line when I realized my total inadequacy—the bruises are still there.
Here at 1746 [Winona Boulevard—Agape Lodge] we keep plodding, plodding,—I find myself sometimes wondering if there is still life. There seems a pause, anyhow, in matters Magical. In my own case, this teaching job has compelled me to teach, willy nilly. And I just must make good. It means re-organization, plenty of it, and rehabilitation, too, if I am candid. So my hands are pretty full of Jane—if that matters. Perhaps I am really buckling down to a job for the first time in my life—getting out of the abstract and into the concrete. Stepping on it before the next incarnation overtakes me! One can feel so very insignificant.