Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Gerald Yorke
11 Manor Place W.2.
[Undated: circa September 1937?]
C∴[are] F∴[rater]
Lewis [H. Spencer Lewis] has dropped the A from A.M.O.R.C. in his latest advts [advertisements]!! The poor fish seems to think that makes it all right.
Michaud [Jean Michaud] is quite convinced that I am the genuine holder of the traditional authority and is formulating a plan by which I am to be the Secret Chief—residing preferably on an island in Lake Tchad—and work an entirely unified movement, of course on the basis of AL. He gathers nucleus of advisors.
You are pretty badly wanted in London; at least I want about 1,000,000 hours with you; for you would have to be the Demiourgos.
I do want you to take this up whole-heartedly. It is for your personal attainment in the A∴A∴, the price you pay is just that subordination of the Aspiration to the K[nowledge] & C[onversation] of the H[oly] G[uardian] A[ngel] and so on to the undertaking of the well-being of the Race.
To do this you must acquire the faculty of making no difference between any one thing and any other thing; each point-event is equally essential to the jig-saw, and your job is to fit each piece in.
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