Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Karl Germer
[6 September 1937]
—[H. Spencer Lewis] seems to hope that will clear up all the trouble! So he is on the run. I want to know at once: (1) has Lanval—who is fiercely attacked in the Clymer [R. Swinburne Clymer] book—ever had the authority from anyone we ever heard of (E.g., Reuss [Theodor Reuss], Papus, de Guaita, Péladan) (2) could he and would he work under and with me, using S.L.'s [H. Spencer Lewis] dependence on him to take away the Amorc crowd from Lewis and rally them to AL 93? (3) Could M.L. come to London this weekend or next—and talk things over with me? Please hussle this: get him to come if possible. If you want to telephone me, PAD 1580 before 10 A.M. is a safe bet.