Correspondence from Friedrich Lekve to Aleister Crowley
[Undated: circa October 1937]
Dear Mr. Crowley!
I was informed to day from my firm in Hildesheim about some urgent matters, so that I have to finish my endeavours in London still to-day and if possible to depart already to-morrow. So I am very sorry that I am not able to pay the visit this evening you were kind enough to invite me. Please excuse me and take my very best thanks for the time and information you spent me. I should like to see you again on my next tour to England.
First of all please note that you [illegible] no letter to me, for such letters scarcely would go through the police and they only could charge me with unnecessary suspicion.
I include still a book "Parsival", which I had lent from Miss Küntzel [Martha Küntzel] and which I wish to save you by lending it to you again.
Love is the law, love under will.
Yours truly
Friedrich Lekve