Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Louis Umfreville Wilkinson




11 Manor Place

W 2



18 Oct 1937



Cher Maître.


I hope you will let me know when you next visit the Great Metropolis, Nice phrase that; why did no one ever think of it before? Things are as Heraclitus and even Galileo said, and I hope to report considerable progress within a week. Tebbs was infinitely impressed by you. Tell me what you thought of him. And do give us more Swan’s Milk [A novel by Louis Marlowe/Wilkinson]! I wish you’d realize that all the Powyses [John Cowper Powyses] put together aren’t worth a page of Mr. Amberthwaite [A novel by Louis Marlowe/Wilkinson]. Why, even Wordsworth, or Keats I think, wrote of “Marlow’s mighty line”. The L and N.E.R. isn’t it?


Yours for bigger and better morals.




