Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Wilfred Talbot Smith




[On paper of the Langham Hotel.]



31 Jan [1938]







Just wired you "Cable 100 dollars minimum avert serious disaster stop sending fifty copies AL also 10 special edition Therion".


The disaster is a complete smash of all our plans over here. The 50 copies will be in sheets. You can get them bound up as you think best, and sell at any price you can get. 5 dollars seems right. I am also mailing you to-day a single copy.


The trouble is that although I have the whole edition free, I have no cash at all for postage, freight, prospectuses etc. And the axe is going to fall unless I can raise about £56. I hoped you could manage £20.


Don't forget that the smallest contributions are of value at this juncture. Especially if unexpected—that encourages!


You do not mention Jane [Jane Wolfe]. Glad of you other news. Paul [Paul Seckler] must be a busy boy—or do I read your letter with a naughty mind.


Don't forget that Mortaldello has been accepted by Gabriel Toyne, the famous English producer. You ought to be able to place it as a film.


Push 93 as the sole way out of the dilemma of Fascism-Communism. Talk of American ideals of Liberty. Go after 'em in big plain simple words and ideas.


I cannot see why you want four extra paths of the Tree. They are not there: to put them in spoils the whole system. This is awful—remember Jones [Charles Stansfeld Jones].


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