Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Vyvyan Deacon
11 Manor Place W.2.
Feb 15. [1938]
Care Frater,
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
I am glad you are getting on well. It's a strain, of course, but it may do you well in the long run.
Enforced rest ought to be a holiday; and you can do a lot yourself to make it that, and something better.
To begin with the Snake Ananda goes on eating his tail, and doesn't give a hoot for any of us.
Try for the Trance of Indifference. Then don't forget that rest in bed restores the unconscious forces of whose well-being we are never much aware; we can only gauge then by results. It is not as if you were ill, and taxing those forces.
So it is really a very good chance to meditate undisturbed. If you stick to it, you may find quite unexpectedly, as to its funny little way, illumination of some quite new order come to you.
I got some excellent results when I was only 10% alive with remittent malarial fever. The experience was, in fact, the basis of a very large body of work which counts as one of the best things in my life.
So be patient with physical and ardent towards spiritual affairs.
I have got Day back to the point of answering letters promptly. So there's a light at the end of the tunnel.
Love is the law, love under will.