Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Lazards




17 May 1938



To The Directors, Messrs Lazards

11 Broad St





At 11 o'clock this morning I telephoned asking to speak to one of your directors and was told that the Board was in conference. I therefore gave a message to the lady with whom I was connected to transmit to you. I wish to confirm the message:—


"I have long been aware the Mr Edward Grove is without manners or manhood, but when it comes to knocking down young girls it is an insufferable blackguardism, and will not be tolerated".


I wish to amplify this message. Mr Grove has no doubt been relying upon the fact that he could seriously damage the prospects of the girl who was his wife's guest at the time of the assault to secure him from exposure, but since he has chosen to force the issue I think it will be better to have the whole matter thrashed out in public, and he might be the better for a public thrashing too. I am communicating the contents of this letter to the Press.


Yours faithfully.


