Correspondence from Wilfred Talbot Smith to Aleister Crowley
7 Oct 38
Care Frater 666
I thought you might find the enclosed observations of Leffingwell [Roy Leffingwell] interesting. If nothing else, they show the mathematical symmetry of such writings as yours, from whatever angle they are approached. It is like unto the symmetry of all snow flakes that have ever fallen. You just can't help it. Genius.
I am in the second week of my annual 2 week vacation. I have no money to spend, but am having a real enjoyable time being alone all day and supremely idle.
Three times last week I did your invocation of Horus up in the Temple. On Sunday at Mass [Gnostic Mass], Regina [Regina Kahl] found the room surcharged, obliterating all else, with a green atmosphere which she thought was going to overwhelm her with its force. In the effort to hold on, she sought my eyes as a focal point, and looking up from them found the room had cleared to the crystalline variety of a high mountain top. She had been frightfully tired on starting the Mass. The phenomena entirely revived her, and lasted throughout the next day.
Interesting to me is the fact that five Sundays out of seven I have been silently—before and during the Mass—invoking Horus and Regina has seen phenomena, while the Ritual has definitely improved. Thus late in life I have come to find the efficacy of prayer, inhibited in me from boyhood by my early Christian training.
To-night we are going to experiment on making a transcript of the Mass. Leffingwell is bringing over a portable machine. If we prove at all successful I will send you a set of records. It will take 3 10" records, using both sides. I also intend to record some reading of your poems. I am reported to have a magnificent voice over the microphone, which incidentally, mooted the whole idea, I am curious to hear a record.
If there is any truth in the unholy newspapers out here, it certainly looks as if the termination of nine months from the last publication of Liber AL will see another explosive birth. All hail to the Conquering Lord!
On September 23 we are starting a weekly Friday-evening gathering of young people, which Leffingwell is to take charge of. I feel sure he will hold them better than I could.
Being rested from office drive, I have again turned my mind to the commentary of Liber Trigrammaton. It is indeed a gorgeous document.
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