Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Grunddal Sjallung[1]






10 October 1938



Peregrinus [Theodor Reuss] asked me to put the rituals into proper and workable shape and I did so. They incorporated in 9 degrees the whole of masonic knowledge as well as that of other even more important orders, but I found when I visited America that rituals thus prepared as far as degrees 1 to 3 were concerned were held by Masons to clash with their supposed rights. I too thought the symbolism was out of date and prepared 3 new rituals which equally contained the knowledge, but did not imply the symbolism to which objection was taken . . .



1—Grunddal Sjallung (1895-1976) was the head of the O.T.O. for Denmark working from a Charter provided by Theodor Reuss.


